Code of Compliance
"We desire performance, accountability, honesty and straightforwardness".
- Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth -
The basic principles and a commitment to these values have been firmly anchored in the corporate philosophy of Würth since the 1970s. For us, compliance means ensuring that all laws and guidelines in our company are observed and that voluntary obligations are met. We therefore demand strict compliance with all applicable national and international rules and laws, as well as a corresponding inner attitude on the part of our employees*. In order to make this transparent both internally and to our customers, suppliers and other business partners*, we have derived specific rules of conduct based on our corporate values, which we have summarised again in the Code of Compliance of the Würth Group.
MORE about the Code of Compliance of the Würth Group
Group-wide whistle-blower system
With our Code of Compliance, we are committed to upright conduct in dealing with each other as well as with our customers, suppliers and other business partners*. Studies have shown the investigation of white-collar criminal activity often to be prompted by information provided by third parties. For this reason, we have set up a system allowing not only employees* of the Würth Group but also third parties to report criminal acts and other serious compliance violations to us. This is the Internet-based BKMS system (Business Keeper Monitoring System).
If you wish to provide information via this system, you can do so by name or anonymously. Since, however, we seek open communication, we encourage you to include your name when doing so. In all cases, we will treat your information as strictly confidential and take into account the interests requiring protection of all parties*.
Please create a mailbox in the BKMS system where we can contact you. This is important if we need to get back to you or you would like to supplement your report with further information at a later date. Communication via the mailbox can - if desired - also be anonymous.
The system serves exclusively to draw attention to suspected white-collar criminal activity or defined, serious compliance violations in the Würth Group. Misuse for other purposes may constitute a criminal offence.
You can submit any information you wish to provide here:
Thank you very much for your support!